Transparency and a good orientation are necessary to identify the sustainability aspects that are essential to your company and stakeholders. To this purpose, we will prepare the relevant requirements for your business or concern (requirements matrix). Important references include, for example, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, industry standards, reporting standards, and, of course, your own mission and vision.
Acceptance of a sustainability strategy increases if internal and external stakeholders are involved in the development process. Whether this takes place selectively within the framework of a survey or in an ongoing exchange format, we will help you to find and implement the most suitable formats for stakeholder engagement.
An effective sustainability strategy is characterised by a balanced relationship between external requirements and the positioning of your company. Within the framework of a materiality assessment, we will collect and process the relevant information.
Would you like to know where you stand in terms of sustainability? With a questionnaire-based sustainability assessment, we will show you where your company stands in terms of its commitment to sustainability. The assessment covers both the key sustainability aspects (materiality assessment) and the requirements of the relevant reporting standard(s).